Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight - Ultimate [Sega Saturn]

Наконец-то для игровой платформа Sega Saturn вышла в свет наиболее полная и продвинутая версия Dracula X: Nocturne in the Moonlight с множеством качественных изменений по сравнению с оригиналом. Теперь игра полностью переведена на английский язык (текст + речь в диалогах). За основу была взята версия игра для PSP.

Основные особенности данной версии игры:

  • Полный перевод на английский язык;
  • Восстановление полупрозрачности многих объектов;
  • Прямой доступ к глобальной карте;
  • Доработка глобальной карты;
  • Восстановление оригинальных пропорций некоторых спрайтов;
  • Удаление горизонтальных чёрных;
  • Пропуск видеороликов и диалогов;
  • Доступ к альтернативному костюму Рихтера;
  • Сокращение времени загрузки;
  • Поддержка карты расширения на 4МБ;
  • Исправление багов;
  • Режим повышенной сложности;

Полный список изменений можно найти в архиве с патчем по ссылке ниже.


Патч версии 1.0 (~11 МБ)

Просмотров: 36081 | Добавил: paul294met | Рейтинг: 5.0/3
Всего комментариев: 941 2 3 4 5 6 »
1 gentelmen1601 • 08:53, 02.01.2024
Надеюсь, будет только английская озвучка. Эту кастлу до сих пор не прошёл. Но смотреть на то, как подгорает у виабушников можно до бесконечности.
2 big_roach09 • 18:44, 02.01.2024
I don't know what's wrong, but the game crashes every time I beat Dracula as Richter in the beginning. Has anyone else experienced this?
5 paul294met • 20:53, 02.01.2024
You didn't specify what you are using to launch the game.
3 jensham23 • 19:33, 02.01.2024
I heard that the biggest problem with this port of the game is the lag. Does this patch fix that? If it does, then it seems like the definitive version for sure
4 paul294met • 20:48, 02.01.2024
With the use of a 4 megabyte expansion card, character sprites are loaded faster into video memory. This reduces frame drops.
6 zweishaus • 01:05, 03.01.2024
Playing on actual hardware, a real Saturn, I'm noticing some skipping in the audio. I'm also completely unable to open the map, no matter what I do. X, Y, Z don't do it, nor does L. Pressing L in the start menu, which was how you opened the map in the original Saturn release, doesn't work either. I have a 4MB RAM cart inserted, and I've tried launching the game with both the CWX loader and the JHL loader. I also noticed some slowdown during the Dracula fight at the beginning, after he transforms into his monster form. Also, the first few times I tried to launch the game, it got stuck on the "Caching Data" screen (with Sonic), and the system ended up restarting. As it stands, the original release seems more functional right now, unless I'm doing something wrong. I'd love for this to work, to eliminate slowdown, reduce load times, and allow me to access the global map in-game without going through the start menu. But on actual hardware, I don't seem to be getting most of the benefits this patch is supposed to provide (the PSP voices sound nice though, and the new title screen looks great). I patched the Japanese version of the ROM. Should I have patched the PAL version instead?

EDIT: I finally found the button combo used to open the map! Hold up and press start. However, it's still displayed over a black screen, unlike in the PlayStation version. Even with access to the map, the fact that there's still slowdown (I experienced some more slowdown when the game displayed the blood effect that occurs when you're hit by the Axe Knight's axe) and a pretty significant amount of audio skipping, makes me feel like this patch isn't quite ready yet. I'm looking forward to playing it after a few more updates, but for now, I think I'll stick with the original release.
10 paul294met • 11:51, 03.01.2024
First, you need to carefully read the readme file. And secondly, what kind of audio skipping? Maybe your console is just on its last legs?
7 xberzerker • 06:22, 03.01.2024
god sent! thankyall!
8 mgflooking • 07:13, 03.01.2024
Please do the psx audio version. I did a psx to psp audio replacement for psp. I cloned the Maria audio that was missing so the psx version has 100% all audio, most people love the psx voices over the psp. Should not be hard to replace them, would love to play the ultimate version with psx audio. Here's the post where I linked the psp psx audio replacement files.


I really hope you release the psx voices version of ultimate thank you for your hard work either way.
11 paul294met • 11:56, 03.01.2024
The point is not the lack of necessary content in the PS1 version of the game, but the fact that the PSP version of the game is simply better localized (both text and voice acting). It’s just that many people are used to the PS1 translation and are tormented by nostalgia. But if both versions of the translation were released at the same time, the vast majority would choose the PSP version. You can get used to everything.
9 mgflooking • 07:22, 03.01.2024
Here's the download link to the patch and a text file to tell what audio file is what. https://mega.nz/file....BmrmPjc
12 mgflooking • 13:18, 03.01.2024
No psx is better version. And it is all up to each owns opinion. So don't say an option as a fact. If it was a better localization doesn't mean much, just like if you replaced Maria with her psp version. But think people still like Saturn version better. But oh well it's better than nothing even if it's an lesser quality script IMO. It's better than not understanding it. And if there were a psx version more people surely would download it Because the voice acting of Alucard was better.And Maria was better too the only one who failed was Richter. You have a few people who like teenalucard. But oh well. need to learn how to use a hex editor I guess . I was told I can replace the voice files with one.. and that would be awesome. Anyway Take care. And thanks for the maker's of this hack for their hard work, I do appreciate it. Just disappointing about no psx audio, but also disappointed that sotn hack is going with the psp audio. Not personal just hate that dub. Take care. I will still probably play it.
13 zepeido • 15:15, 03.01.2024
Thank you for your work smile
14 aharonmanes222 • 17:30, 03.01.2024
I was curious,but do you think you can make the sega Saturn version of sotn into a ps1 version? I got a game system that doesn’t allow Saturn roms,but allows ps1,if you think you can make it it will make my new year.
18 paul294met • 19:35, 03.01.2024
I don't know, what you talking about.
23 aharonmanes222 • 01:30, 04.01.2024
I mean the sega Saturn version of sotn has more content and my anbernic rg351 can’t play Saturn games,I wanted to know if it’s possible to converts a sega Saturn game to a ps1 game so it would be playable for me and anyone else.
81 Анонимно • 04:24, 30.08.2024
O que mais devo fazer para descarregar o jogo.
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